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Month: May, 2019

A fool-proof way to read women during fuck dates

Make no mistake about it, if you’ve been to many fuck dates, you know that you can easily drop the ball. It’s very easy to think that just because a chick has agreed to go on a fuck date with you, that she is in the bag. In other words, it’s a slam-dunk, you’re going to bed with her.

Well, it would profit you a lot if you slow down a bit. Don’t assume that just because this woman has been on several fuck dates and is good to go, that you will actually hit the sack with her. Don’t give yourself that much credit. That’s assuming too much. In many cases, guys that find themselves in fuck dates end up saying the wrong things at the wrong time to the wrong person, and guess what? Their fuck dates became celibate dates. That’s right, they went home without the woman and they just ended up not having sex for that night. Talk about a frustrating end to what would otherwise have been a very exciting adventure.

The good news is you need to only understand that fuck dates you’ve met on are not guaranteed for you to be at your best behavior. Now, I’m not saying that you should pretend to be somebody you’re not. I’m not saying that you should put on some sort of great production just so you can get into the pants of the women who decided to get into a fuck date with you. I’m not saying that at all.

Instead, I’m saying that you should pay attention to your attitude because your attitude can dictate the things that you say, which can dictate the actions you take. If you make the wrong move, you might never get inside that pussy. It really is that simple. Here are some tips to help ensure that you read your fuck date partner correctly.